7 days in a row
I have just finished 7 days in a row at work! Well, I finished the 7 days on Sunday October 20. I had 3 days off and have been back a work for only Thursday and Friday.
I was so tired after the 7 days that I basically rested Monday and Tuesday. I was due to have some scans but rescheduled them.
On Wednesday I had an iron transfusion. I think I told you my iron was really low. There was a clinic close to home that I went to. The staff were great. I had to have an appointment with the doctor first to get the script for the iron, and the nurses did the transfusion. I actually knew the nurses from working in the hospital, so it was a great chance to catch up after many years! It actually made the hour go very quickly! They say it can take up to a few weeks for the iron to “kick in”. So will wait and see. No change at the moment but it has been 2 days.
I only did 2 days this week at work, and I have the weekend off.
I only have 3 days next week, then I am on holidays for 2 and a half weeks! I am happy for the rest, as haven’t had a break since May! I am away for 4 nights, but more about that in another blog.
I also want to try and do a few YouTube videos while I am off.