7 days at work…plus a few more!
So, I finished a 7 day stretch at work last week. The week wasn’t too bad, I worked with some great people. My main issue was the heat and humidity. It’s was 30-35°C all week, but also high humidity-70 to 80%. And most of my clients didn’t have the air conditioner on! I had sweat dripping down my face…. and it’s like… oh it’s hot isn’t it?
Nala had to get a tooth extracted on Monday. She has what is called Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL). It caused the tooth (more specifically the DENTIN) to erode. It is early stages at the moment-she doesn’t appear to be in too much pain. But if we don’t deal with it now, it could lead to her not eating, pain, and infections. She only has to get 1 tooth extracted. Or so I thought.
She ended up with having 2 teeth removed. The only pain was the cost. But she came home and has been doing well. She has dissolvable stitches, and I had to give her some pain relief for 3 days after-it made her a bit sleepy! She has to go back to the vet tomorrow for a checkup!
I had basically the whole of this week off! Monday and Tuesday were my weekend after working Saturday and Sunday, but Wednesday and Thursday off sick. I had a cough, lost my voice and felt like I was swallowing razorblades. I did go back to work yesterday (Friday). I am just resting today as I still have a bit of a cough.
I am on another 7 day stretch from Monday.
my little princess
nala is 8
Nala’s birthday is September 16. This year she turns 8.
I rescued Nala when she was 3 or 4 months old. It was the week before Christmas, and she was so tiny! I was finally working regular hours and not shift work. I always wanted a pet, and a cat seemed a safe option as I work full-time and live in a unit.
Nala’s mother had an owner who was elderly. The mother got pregnant and had 2 kittens, Nala and Willis. The owner couldn’t care for them all, so they were surrendered. Nala’s Mum got desexed. So, the 2 kittens were up for adoption. I had always wanted a black cat, but it had to be a female. Although her brother was black, I didn’t want a boy. So, Nala it was. I occasionally chat with the owners of her brother.
Nala as a kitten
I had never owned a pet before on my own, and Pat had given me all the questions I needed to ask before I took her home.
If you want to read, I posted a blog as part of my blog challenge about Nala.
I could not imagine life without her! She is not a cuddly cat but will enjoy a pat. And she lets me know when she is done! And she hates having her flea/worming treatment. She always gives the EVIL EYE after she has it. She is mad at me for a good half day!
I bought her a present. It’s a box I ordered from Etsy. I will open it with her probably tomorrow! Usually contains some treats, some toys plus maybe 1 or 2 other things.
Nala's 7th Birthday