a weekend in my life
So, my weekends tend to be slightly on the mundane side. I work a lot and am always tired by the time it gets to the weekend.
Working full-time, I don’t often clean during the week. So, I tend to do lots of washing, house cleaning etc.
I do work about 1 weekend per month. That means I usually do 7 days in a row, then have Monday and Tuesday as my “Weekend”.
I haven't been to the pool recently because it’s been too cold. I need to get back there for exercise, as I do enjoy it! I especially like the spa!
Recently I have been lazy. It’s winter here in Australia and cold! I’ve been reading some books-my new favourite author is Kate Moreton.
I also watch YouTube as well to de-stress. I do enjoy true crime, so anything related is top of my list. I have not long finished watching a documentary on the Cecil Hotel in L.A. and the Elisa Lam case, which I found super interesting. There are some others I follow on YouTube who make videos on true crime. The ones I am subscribed to include Mr Ballen, Bella Fiori and Kendell Rae. They research the cases so well, and you get so much information on each case, and I enjoy listening to them!
When my parents are home we sometimes have a BBQ at their place for lunch on a Sunday. My middle sister and her family may also join the lunch, but often it’s just me and my parents. I love a good BBQ steak, and as I don’t have a BBQ- so I guess it's Mum and Dad's place! We live close, a 5-minute drive away. And I usually get leftovers!
Again there is work to do with the blog and Nala of course. But I tend to take it relatively easy, as I am not the best sleeper, so I like the rest. So lots of lying on the lounge and being lazy!