Lauren Farmer Lauren Farmer

my hobbies

I don’t have many hobbies. In my past life, I used to play netball. I always played defence. I started netball when I was 8 years old. I played until I was 22 or 23 years old.

When I moved to Goulburn in 2002, we had an outdoor team, and we called our team “PUMP”. After the outdoor season, we played indoor netball, 5 a side. This was a super-fast game! But it was great fun! When I moved back to Sydney, I played 6-a-side indoor netball. It became hard with shift work, so I no longer continued.

My new hobby is crochet. I learnt to crochet from my paternal grandmother when I was about 8 years old. I gave it up for many years, until a few years ago when my sister did a short course at a shop called “The Granny Square” in Newtown. I was there for a couple of hours and learnt (again) how to make a granny square. Crochet is very much like riding a bike! 

I have made a few blankets, and dabbled in some cat toys.

my first granny sqaure

Here is the link if you want to check them out:

I have also discovered on YouTube BELLA COCO

She has a website and a YouTube channel, which talks through a lot of projects.

I find crochet very relaxing, almost like a meditation.

a few of my projects

I have also started playing the ukulele. My Mum has helped me practice as she plays guitar. I need to get back into practicing. I did have a lesson, but I haven’t played for a while so probably should get some more!

For my Death Doula course, I played Amazing Grace with my Mum as backup on guitar. It was super fun to practice and record the song!

I even made a video on my YouTube Channel if you want to check it out!

Although it may not be a hobby, I have recently started to read again! I have mainly been listening to audiobooks through my local library. As I drive a lot for work, I will listen to books as I drive around between clients. The library has an app where you can borrow books to either read or listen to. It’s just like borrowing an actual book from the library, but it’s on my phone! I have a video coming up about the latest book I have read.

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