my first year out of home
So, my first year out of home I went to Goulburn. I worked in the hospital for 12 months as a NEW GRADUATE. It’s a 12-month program where you are supported in your new role as a nurse.
I had always wanted to go to the country to work, and I thought that if I didn’t go my first year after graduating, I would never go! I knew nobody when I went there. But I made some great friends! I did surgical, medical, rehab/palliative care and mental health rotations.
For the first week or so I lived in the nurses' home. A lot of medical students stayed there, as well as nurses who lived a long way from the hospital and finished at 1030pm and needed to start at 7 am.
I soon found myself a 2-bed townhouse. I loved living on my own. It was about 5 minutes from the hospital. One of the townhouses was also rented out to students from the police academy!
I made some friends, some of whom I keep in contact with to this day! It was funny, as one of the girls I went to Uni with also went to Goulburn! So, I at least knew 1 person.
If I had my time over again, I think I would have stayed in Sydney. But I did gain some valuable life experience. And I loved living on my own! There was nobody to disturb my sleep after I had done the night shift, and I could come and go as I pleased without having to answer to anyone!
I will never regret this time, and I have some wonderful memories!