how I got to my current weight…
This is my story as to how I got to my current weight.
About 17 years ago, my fiancé broke up with me 1 month before the wedding. Not sure of my exact weight, but thinking about 120kgs. We were both overweight. After the breakup, I hit the gym, and did Weight Watchers. The main motivation was to make him jealous, but then got the exercise “high”, which kept me motivated. I lost a staggering amount of weight, and got down to 80kgs. And I felt AMAZING!!
I was doing some 5km and 10km races, and even did a half marathon distance at my local Relay for Life during this time.
I stayed at that weight for about 6 or 7 years, and gradually started putting on weight. I didn’t put on too much, got to 90kgs. But 7 years ago, I started a job as a Community Nurse with more regular hours, and got my cat Nala. I stopped going to the gym and did no exercise at all! It’s no excuse, but I put all my energy into looking after Nala, and neglected myself. I was also assaulted by a neighbour, which didn’t help my self-esteem. I also started drinking to numb my feelings.
So, over the last 7 years of being a Community Nurse, my weight has gradually increased to my current weight of 130kgs.
As a side note, I also have epilepsy, which doesn’t contribute to my weight gain, but I needed to have regular hours, which is why I became a community nurse.
I’m still working on my mindset, but am getting there!! Each day I’m improving!