something i struggle with
I struggle with my weight. I always have. I have my maternal family genes. My Granny and Aunt (both on my Mum’s side) have always struggled with their weight.
I have always had weight issues. When I was a kid, as long as I did some exercise, I was OK, but I always seemed to be bigger than the other kids.
When I got my first job out of home, I didn’t take care of myself and put on a little weight. When I returned home, I started dating my ex-fiancé (who was also on the bigger side.) I didn’t do much exercise, and we ate out a lot. I gained a lot of weight. When we broke up, I immersed myself in working out and loved it. I got down to about 75-80kgs.
I felt great. I stayed at that weight for a few years, but the weight started to creep back on. I still exercised but wasn’t making great food choices. For the last few years, I haven’t done much exercise at all. My excuse is that I need to take care of Nala.
Then I broke my ankle, and then had issues with my stomach, meaning more surgery, and not doing much with exercise.
But this is a chance to get back on the wagon. I am setting up some weights at home, reducing my alcohol and trying to eat healthy! I am also doing some pool walking and am looking at aqua aerobics. Please support me as I go on this journey.