hopes for my blog
I really like to write. And I like to share my life.
The hope for my blog is to share my life and experiences. I want to share my weight loss journey. And I want to be proud of myself!
I want to inspire people, and in the process get inspired by the people who (hopefully) read my blog!
And I want to share my dreams and inspirations with everyone. If I can make one person happy, I have achieved my goals.
I have a good life and I want to share it with all of you!
Please continue to read my blogs, and I hope you enjoy them! And please get in touch if there is anything you would like me to write about!
my favourite place to walk
There are a few places I like to walk.
I love walking at the cemetery. It is so peaceful and relaxing! And it can be flat with not may hills.
I also like looking at the old graves-there is so much history! I even have purchased my “plot”. It is in the rose garden. I plan to be cremated. A few years ago, my parents were organising their place in the rose garden at Woronora Cemetery. There was a spot next to them for me, so I purchased it. It is a beautiful spot! And it’s close to my maternal grandparents.
I also like walking down at Cronulla by the beach! I really enjoy the fresh air and the sound of the waves! It’s crazy because I actually don’t like swimming in the ocean!
Me and a friend used to walk at Cronulla all the time, and get coffee after!
I need to get back into walking to get fit.
something i struggle with
I struggle with my weight. I always have. I have my maternal family genes. My Granny and Aunt (both on my Mum’s side) have always struggled with their weight.
I have always had weight issues. When I was a kid, as long as I did some exercise, I was OK, but I always seemed to be bigger than the other kids.
When I got my first job out of home, I didn’t take care of myself and put on a little weight. When I returned home, I started dating my ex-fiancé (who was also on the bigger side.) I didn’t do much exercise, and we ate out a lot. I gained a lot of weight. When we broke up, I immersed myself in working out and loved it. I got down to about 75-80kgs.
I felt great. I stayed at that weight for a few years, but the weight started to creep back on. I still exercised but wasn’t making great food choices. For the last few years, I haven’t done much exercise at all. My excuse is that I need to take care of Nala.
Then I broke my ankle, and then had issues with my stomach, meaning more surgery, and not doing much with exercise.
But this is a chance to get back on the wagon. I am setting up some weights at home, reducing my alcohol and trying to eat healthy! I am also doing some pool walking and am looking at aqua aerobics. Please support me as I go on this journey.
goals for the next 30 days
What are my goals for the next 30 days? What do I want to achieve?
My major goal is to let my readers know who I am, and what drives me. I want you all to feel like you know me personally, as I have always wanted to be open and honest, letting you into my life.
I want to let you know who I am and where I have come from. I am going to share my childhood and growing up. And some weird and wonderful facts about me and my life growing up!
I also want to get back on the exercise wagon and lose weight! I am sick of being looked at as being “the fat one in the room”, especially at work.
I want to feel good about myself again, and I want to get back into running again. I used to walk/run a few distances and I enjoyed it.
And I want to get back to PARKRUN… a free 5km run every week on a Saturday. Hopefully this will get me motivated to get fit.
But basically, I want to get myself “out there”, and to be an inspiration to at least one person! But my main goal is WEIGHT LOSS and being accountable on my journey!
how I got to my current weight…
This is my story as to how I got to my current weight.
About 17 years ago, my fiancé broke up with me 1 month before the wedding. Not sure of my exact weight, but thinking about 120kgs. We were both overweight. After the breakup, I hit the gym, and did Weight Watchers. The main motivation was to make him jealous, but then got the exercise “high”, which kept me motivated. I lost a staggering amount of weight, and got down to 80kgs. And I felt AMAZING!!
I was doing some 5km and 10km races, and even did a half marathon distance at my local Relay for Life during this time.
I stayed at that weight for about 6 or 7 years, and gradually started putting on weight. I didn’t put on too much, got to 90kgs. But 7 years ago, I started a job as a Community Nurse with more regular hours, and got my cat Nala. I stopped going to the gym and did no exercise at all! It’s no excuse, but I put all my energy into looking after Nala, and neglected myself. I was also assaulted by a neighbour, which didn’t help my self-esteem. I also started drinking to numb my feelings.
So, over the last 7 years of being a Community Nurse, my weight has gradually increased to my current weight of 130kgs.
As a side note, I also have epilepsy, which doesn’t contribute to my weight gain, but I needed to have regular hours, which is why I became a community nurse.
I’m still working on my mindset, but am getting there!! Each day I’m improving!